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R5 family Uruguay forever

La banda estadounidense de pop rock alternativo R5 se gano el corazón de los uruguayos con la mayor cantidad de fans en todo el mundo y la sala de chat esta dedicada a R5 los queremos R5 sus 98.26354 mil millones de fans Uruguayos.

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RossShor LynchCrow

RossShor LynchCrow 30-01-2015 05:53

Thank you for your affection and love for R5,your love has grown to R5 in the from of love and thanks to you that we are today crelleron,in what be,without you help R5,would be nothing,so thank you R5family Uruguay.
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RikerAnthony LynchCrow

RikerAnthony LynchCrow 30-01-2015 05:41

Thanks for everything,do not know how to thank Uruguay,more than a huge "Thank you"thank you very much for everything,we love all the offical inculletive R5,thanks for your love,love them,.-R5.
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RikerAnthony LynchCrow

RikerAnthony LynchCrow 30-01-2015 05:37

Thanks for being so adorable,we have no words to agradescer his immense us dear,we love our heart and alme,we love me and my brothers are the coolest,crelleroon our talent and why we love them,THANKS R5FAMILY URUGUAY!!!
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My nombre describe a R5,lo se ellos son tan,y tan,no tengo palabras para decir los asombosos,que son ellos,son tan Wow y son super Wow,son fantasticos:D
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Only R5family Uruguay! 29-01-2015 06:43

Surelly we all know,but more fantastic that exsit in this world is...nothing more than R5!They are so cute all,notice Ross is mine,I'm a fan of R5 and are the best in the world!
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4 EVER R5FAMILY URUGUAY:D 29-01-2015 06:39

Pues obio,por supuesto,claro,seguro,afirmativo,pues Si!amo a R5 son mi unica vida,los adoro tanto que me mataria por ellos,VENGAN A URUGUAY!TE AMO ROSS,RIKE,RROCKY,RATLIFF,RYDEL Y RYLAND,SON UNICOS!!!
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R5,family Uruguay. 29-01-2015 06:37

R5family Uruguay manda!
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Forever una R5er #1,los amamos R5,-R5family U 29-01-2015 06:36

El nombre mi lo dice todo en pocas palabras los amamos R5,estoy muy crazy por ustedes,soy de Uruguay Uruguaya y todo Uruguay los conoce y quisieramos que vengan algun dia,los quermos.
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Amo a la R5family uruguay! 29-01-2015 06:34

Obio que los amo a R5,soy orgullosamente una Uruguaya y quiero que vengan chicos a Uruguay,no se imaginana tiene muchas R5ers aqui en Uruguay y hay muchos clubes de ustedes aqui,vengan plis,los adoro,POR SIEMPRE R5ER!
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ILOVE R5 URUGUAY!!! 29-01-2015 06:32

Una ves yo me senti mal y no quize escuchar mas musica,ero de repente vino R5 y me cambio la vida,los amo chics,son los mejores que exsisten,los adoro y quiero que vengan a Uruguay!por favor!
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R5 Uruguay family. 29-01-2015 06:30

Pues de que R5 son los mejores,no hay duda alguna,es tan obio de que son los mejores,amamos en Uruguay sus canciones,las que mas nos gustan son "Smile""Loud"y "Heart made up on you",los queremos chicos.
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R5 en mi corazon(Uruguay) 29-01-2015 06:28

I gree with "Fan#1 de R5family Uruguay"Difinitely you R5 are the best in the world,His music fascinates me re,love songs,and I was slepping it,pleace come someday to Uruguay,I love you guys!
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Fan #1 de R5family Uruguay!!! 29-01-2015 06:23

I love U with all my heart R5 are the best band there,If fulfilled my dream,would you come to Uruguay because I lo their songs,I love Ross,Riker,Rocky,Ryland and Delly,I admire a lot,are perfect.
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RydelMary LynchCrow

RydelMary LynchCrow 29-01-2015 06:13

Thank to "R5 Uruguay on Twitter" "R5 Family Uruguay""Uruguay R5family""we love you""R5 Uruguay-Youtube""Happy birthday #21 Delly!!!-Youtube"Many thanks to all my beautiful Uruguayas,hope to see you soon at some concert R5,thousand kisses,from,-R5.
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RydelMary LynchCrow

RydelMary LynchCrow 28-01-2015 16:53

Thanks for being so adorable,we have no words to agradescer his immense us dear,we love our heart and alme,we love me and my brothers are the coolest,crelleroon our talent and why we love them,THANKS R5FAMILY URUGUAY!!!
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RydelMary LynchCrow

RydelMary LynchCrow 28-01-2015 16:40

Hey guys,thanks for your increible apollo all R5ers of Uruguay,the love,are the best,are unique,really have no words to tell I much that want me and my siblings,love hope to see you someday in some concert in Uruguay,thank you very much,kisses-R5.
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R5er Uruguaya 12-12-2014 08:20

Hola, soy una gran R5er, amo a R5, es mi banda favorita y lo que mas quiero es que R5 venga a Uruguay, quiero conocerlos y verlos en un concierto, son geniales y amo a R5, los re amo!!!
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I LOVE R5URUGUAY! 19-09-2014 16:20

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R5er forever uruguaya 19-09-2014 16:15

amo a R5 ojala me cumpla mi sueño y venga a uruguay!!!!!!!!!!!!
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